Monday 27 June 2011

Young 'love'

So how many people are still with their teenage 'loves'. NOT VERY MANY. As far as im concerned its all a myth! Just a very quick fast and efficent way for boys to get into your pants.. now at the end of the day with love comes a lot of commitment. When your 16 and living under your mums roof, the reality is, there is only so much commitment one can take especially for boys. Nobody wants to be tied down at such a young age and relationships should really just be about fun. Unfortunatley the mistake many young people make is taking things far too seriously and then branding their relationship as one affiliated with 'love'.

Now if I was to ask a 16 year old girl/boy if they would forgive a partner of 3 years for cheating on them the liklihood is they would say HELL NO (well im hoping soo). This however wouldn't be the same within a marriage due to the commitment aspect, im guessing a married couple would be more willing to work things out on the basis that they made specific vows to one and other but also simply down to love. Love is able to forgive and move on regardless the situation, when you genuinely love someone you are able to see pass their flaws and look for the good qualities that lie within them, this is why when I hear of women who go back to their husband after abuse or cheating I can see why they may not leave! (not saying its right). When you love someone you are literally BLIND. We can't help who we fall in love with and this makes things 10 times more difficult.. but when its there its definately there and nobody can dispute that.

Now to avoid these bad outcomes of love I think its advisable for young people to stay away from 'serious'relationships, esepcially because when your 16/17 you still have so many more people to meet! Who knows your prince charming could be the first person you set your eyes on at Uni or your first major job. Because of this tying yourself down at such a young age isnt advisable.. and the reality of the situation is a person you meet at 16 could be a totally different person at 26, and having regrets isn't a fantastic feeling especially when you've invested so much time into something! As time goes on you begin to realise what you do and dont want for yourself in the future from learning from your own r.ships (not too serious) and also friends and family!

So young people in all that you do.. never get too serious with a guy, have fun being young and save all that serious stuff for when its required in the future! :D

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