Saturday 2 July 2011

Nothing less than a QUEEN!/ 'GOOD GIRLS'

'I am your father and you are my handiwork' - Isiah64:8. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalms 139:13
I guess they speak for themselves! We were all individually created uniquely with love and thought! Every girl is a queen so who do boys think they are treating girls otherwise.. at the end of the day whether you’re in a relationship or not one valid question that should be frequently asked is: DOES HE TREAT YOU LIKE THE QUEEN YOU ARE? If you can't answer that question with an honest YES.. then there is a serious issue here.. at the end of the day we were all born as queens so we should be treated like one.. boys who don't treat you with the love and respect you deserve should be realistically shown the doors.. this brings me to 'good girls'..

If you are seen as a good girl and are quite young and mature enough to make certain decisions (16-20ish).. I don’t know about you but I've noticed you tend to be on 'hold' by this one particular guy. NOT GOOD ENOUGH! This is because a boy knows you can't provide him with the fun he needs in order to live his teenage life effectively, so because of this he tries to put you on pause knowing you will probably stay, and messes around with other girls that will give him exactly what he's looking for... now this is wrong because from these actions he’s not appreciating you for who you are and isn’t able to respect some of your decisions.. so looks for it elsewhere, if he really and truly cared he would WAIT! Wait for the times in which you are ready to give him whatever it was you were not ready to offer. I think ‘good girls’ should be treated like queens and because of this it isn't advisable to get involved with wastemen like this.. they're smarter than you think and once he begins to realise that your realising how much he isn't treating you like a queen he quickly fixes up reminds you how beautiful you are and how much he truly loves you, this is known as the CYCLE! And it goes on and on and on... Until your officially trapped and he can use the whole 'we've been through too much to let what we have go on you'. To be honest from when you’ve let it get to that stage unless you get a SERIOUS knock on the head this line will be mean SO much to you! So basically he's won and you've lost out on the other serious boys out there who would have been ready to treat you like the queen you are right from the start!

Please please please avoid situations like this for the sake of your heart! Queens deserve to be treated like nothing but queens.. don’t settle for less.. if he's taking the piss the bottom line is hes taking advantage and doesn’t deserve the queen you are! By avoiding this you will never settle for less and find happiness with *KING CHARMING* - love is real.. but only on certain basis and being treated like a QUEEN is one of them!